Memfile interface

The memfile interface allows you to treat a fixed block of contiguous memory as a file that can be used with Allegro’s I/O functions.

These functions are declared in the following header file. Link with allegro_memfile.

 #include <allegro5/allegro_memfile.h>


ALLEGRO_FILE *al_open_memfile(void *mem, int64_t size, const char *mode)

Source Code

Returns a file handle to the block of memory. All read and write operations act upon the memory directly, so it must not be freed while the file remains open.

The mode can be any combination of “r” (readable) and “w” (writable). Regardless of the mode, the file always opens at position 0. The file size is fixed and cannot be expanded. The file is always read from/written to in binary mode, which means that no newline translation is performed.

It should be closed with al_fclose. After the file is closed, you are responsible for freeing the memory (if needed).



uint32_t al_get_allegro_memfile_version(void)

Source Code

Returns the (compiled) version of the addon, in the same format as al_get_allegro_version.

Allegro version 5.2.10 (20231119) - Last updated: 2024-10-06 03:46:46 UTC