Chapter 3

3. Game Basics

3.1 The Backdrop

Now that our palette is ready, let's start to get some actual graphics onto the screen. We will first create a backdrop bitmap. First we must create a bitmap with create_bitmap(), then we can draw onto it, and finally we will blit it onto the screen. Here is the code that does this.
#include <allegro.h>
#include "tutorial.h"

#define MIN_Y 8

BITMAP* backdrop;

int main()




 // create 320x192 backdrop
 for (int Y=0; Y<128; Y++) hline(backdrop,0,Y,319, (Y/2)+128);
 for (int Y=128; Y<192; Y++) hline(backdrop,0,Y,319, ((Y-128)/2)+192);


 return 0;
As you should know, #define is a preprocessor directive used to create a symbolic alias for something else. Here, we use MIN_Y to decide at what Y position the game screen starts, which we preset to be at Y=8, leaving us sufficient room for a status bar at the top later on. We have also defined the global variable backdrop to be a pointer to a BITMAP. We use create_bitmap() to allocate a 320x192 bitmap, then use a couple of for loops to fill every scanline of it with an appropriate color, using hline() to draw each of the horizontal lines onto the backdrop bitmap. Finally, we use blit() to copy the backdrop onto the screen at the appropriate position. We now have the game background ready. (You are of course free to modify the colors as you see fit.)

3.2 Double Buffering

In our game, we are going to use the animation technique known as "double buffering". This means that for each frame (animation snapshot), we will build the displayed image in an off-screen buffer, then blit it onto the screen. This is necessary since if we drew everything sprite by sprite directly onto the screen, it would flicker badly.

(The technique known as "page flipping" is a similar solution but builds the frame in a part of video memory that isn't shown, and then tells the graphics card to show that part of video memory. In this context, each screenful of data in video memory is known as a page, and page flipping alternates between two pages. If there's a lot of overdraw or special effects, double buffering will be faster, but if there isn't much to draw page flipping is faster. However, in the standard VGA 320x200 256-color graphics mode, there can only be one page, so page flipping is not possible.)

To illustrate this technique, we will now make our game using double buffering to move the helicopter across the screen until you hit a key.

#include <allegro.h>
#include "tutorial.h"

#define MIN_Y 8


int main()




 // create 320x192 backdrop
 for (int Y=0; Y<128; Y++) hline(backdrop,0,Y,319, (Y/2)+128);
 for (int Y=128; Y<192; Y++) hline(backdrop,0,Y,319, ((Y-128)/2)+192);

 // create 320x200 double buffer

 for (int X=0; X<320; X++) {
  // build frame
  // display frame
 return 0;
Here, we create the framebuf bitmap to use as our double buffer, clear it so that where our planned status bar is supposed to be doesn't contain garbage. For each frame in that for loop, we blit the backdrop onto the buffer, then draw the helicopter sprite on top of this. Then we vsync() and then blit the buffer onto the visible screen.

The vsync() call waits for the vertical retrace, that is when the electron beam that illuminates every pixel on your monitor has finished the frame and is beginning to retrace back to the top of the image to begin a new screen refresh (typically 60 times per second). The best place to update the video memory is in exactly this small retrace period, because if you change the image while the electron beam is busy displaying it, you may get unwanted artifacts. This isn't serious, just doesn't always look good, and besides, there isn't much reason to update the image more often than it can be displayed.

3.3 User Input

Making a chopper cruise across the screen over a cool shaded background is all fine and well, but what we want to do is to make a game, that means that the user should have at least some control of what he's doing, otherwise he could just as well rent a video. So, to show how this can be done, we will let the user steer the chopper around the screen using the keyboard or joystick.
#include <allegro.h>
#include "tutorial.h"

#define MIN_Y 8

int X=0,Y=100;

int main()




 // create 320x192 backdrop
 for (int Y=0; Y<128; Y++) hline(backdrop,0,Y,319, (Y/2)+128);
 for (int Y=128; Y<192; Y++) hline(backdrop,0,Y,319, ((Y-128)/2)+192);

 // create 320x200 double buffer

 while (!key[KEY_ESC]) {
  // build frame
  // display frame
  // get user input
  if (key[KEY_LEFT]||joy_left) X--;
  if (key[KEY_RIGHT]||joy_right) X++;
  if (key[KEY_UP]||joy_up) Y--;
  if (key[KEY_DOWN]||joy_down) Y++;
 return 0;
This is not very advanced, it does not do any bounds-checking or anything, it is only meant to show how the Allegro keyboard and digital joystick subsystems can be used to control an object. However, we won't do it exactly this way in our actual game, we will be somewhat more ambitious in our game control design.

To learn more, proceed to the next chapter