Chapter 4

4. OOP Basics

4.1 Object-Oriented Programming

The OOP paradigm is based on the human way to think of things, that each object in the known universe has within itself its properties and its potential, that they are mostly self-contained entities. This is also using in programming, since programs are often required to deal with a lot of components of different kinds, where it can be an advantage to let each of these become a self-contained object that can largely take care of itself without depending on the main program to know how to do everything the object has to do (encapsulation). This is especially useful in game programming, since every detail in the game can be taken care of by its own encapsulated OOP object quite independently from other objects. This lets each other has its own mind independent from the others, and relieves the main game loop from having to know anything about what the objects are actually doing.

So, what we are going to do is to write an OOP backbone that we can base our game objects on, and then use it to write an action game. We will need to make an object base class, and find some way of managing all the independent objects so that they can be used. The latter is where STL comes in. But first, we need to know to make a basic object class.

4.2 C++ Classes

The C++ programming language has much to offer when it comes to OOP programming. (Of course, there might be better languages when it comes to OOP, but only C++ is (mostly) compatible with the widely-used C, in which Allegro was written.) We will start with a basic class definition for our helicopter object.
class chopper {
 int X,Y;
In many ways, this is a lot like a struct, and can be used in much the same way:
#include <allegro.h>
#include "tutorial.h"

#define MIN_Y 8


class chopper {
 int X,Y;

int main()




 // create 320x192 backdrop
 for (int Y=0; Y<128; Y++) hline(backdrop,0,Y,319, (Y/2)+128);
 for (int Y=128; Y<192; Y++) hline(backdrop,0,Y,319, ((Y-128)/2)+192);

 // create 320x200 double buffer

 chopper Hero;
 Hero.X=0; Hero.Y=100;
 while (!key[KEY_ESC]) {
  // build frame
  // display frame
  // get user input
  if (key[KEY_LEFT]||joy_left) Hero.X--;
  if (key[KEY_RIGHT]||joy_right) Hero.X++;
  if (key[KEY_UP]||joy_up) Hero.Y--;
  if (key[KEY_DOWN]||joy_down) Hero.Y++;
 return 0;
but there is in fact a difference, as you would see if you tried to do
 chopper Hero={0,100};
The Hero object is an instance of the chopper class, and not just a plain structure, thus it would not work.

What the public clause means is that whatever is defined in the class (or struct) after it, will be accessible to code outside the class definition as well, which is necessary for parts of the class that isn't self-contained. Since this class isn't self-contained at all yet, both fields (X and Y) have to be marked public.

As a first step towards making the object self-contained, we will now move the drawing and input code into it.

#include <allegro.h>
#include "tutorial.h"

#define MIN_Y 8


class chopper {
 int X,Y;
 void draw(BITMAP*dest) {
 void input();

void chopper::input()
 if (key[KEY_LEFT]||joy_left) X--;
 if (key[KEY_RIGHT]||joy_right) X++;
 if (key[KEY_UP]||joy_up) Y--;
 if (key[KEY_DOWN]||joy_down) Y++;

int main()




 // create 320x192 backdrop
 for (int Y=0; Y<128; Y++) hline(backdrop,0,Y,319, (Y/2)+128);
 for (int Y=128; Y<192; Y++) hline(backdrop,0,Y,319, ((Y-128)/2)+192);

 // create 320x200 double buffer

 chopper Hero;
 Hero.X=0; Hero.Y=100;
 while (!key[KEY_ESC]) {
  // build frame
  // display frame
  // get user input
 return 0;
This demonstrates two ways of defining a method. Both chopper::draw() and chopper::input() are methods. Methods are much like functions, except that they operate on an object. chopper::draw() is declared and defined inline, this is often useful to avoid unnecessary method call overhead.

4.3 Constructors

Clearly, we've come a long way towards the encapsulation we want, since the main game loop doesn't have to bother about the coordinates within the object, but still we need to set the initial position. So we should write a method for setting the initial position, but for this we will use a special method, the constructor. The constructor of an object is always called when it is created, and similarly there is a destructor that will be called when it is destroyed. C++ automatically constructs an object when you define a variable of the object type, and destroys it when it goes out of scope, so it's not necessary to do this manually for automatic variables, like our variable Hero.

We will define two constructors, the default constructor that sets a default initial position, and a constructor where it is possible to specify the initial position explicitly. C++ allows several functions, methods, and operators with the same name but with different parameter lists to coexist, a feature called "overloading", where the compiler automatically chooses the right function according to the given parameters. We will use this feature to have two different constructors. Change the class definition to read:

class chopper {
 int X,Y;
 chopper() { X=Y=0; }
 chopper(int _X,int _Y) { X=_X; Y=_Y; }
 void draw(BITMAP*dest) {
 void input();
Then remove the line
 Hero.X=0; Hero.Y=100;
and try it. The object is now completely encapsulated, the main loop doesn't know anything about X or Y. We have therefore taken them away from under the public clause; they are thus now private to the object, and hidden from everything else. Note that the helicopter now starts at the top left of the screen, because we put the default position in the default constructor to be 0,0. To try the alternate constructor, replace
 chopper Hero;
 chopper Hero(50,100);
This will still define the variable Hero to be of the data type chopper, but since chopper is a class, its constructor must be called when it is created. This means that we will call the constructor that takes two integer values and use it, giving the values 50 and 100, instead of using the default constructor. This alternate constructor happens to set the initial position to the given values.

4.4 Inheritance

One of the most important advantages OOP has over traditional procedural programming, is the concept of inheritance. This means that it is possible to write a base class with all the basic and abstract functionality, variables, and common interface you need, and then write derived classes that inherits everything the base class has, and adds its own functionality. Not only can this reduce the amount of coding by letting any derived class use the base class's functionality when it needs to, thus simplifying implementation of similar classes and structures, but there is also another very important implication: the derived class is compatible with the base class, and can be used in place of the base class. This allows a system to override any of the base class functionality it wants, and use the new objects where the base class would be used, thus adapting it to its own needs. For us, this is very important; we can make an array of pointers to base class objects, and go through this array at any time, calling the methods of its elements. Depending on which derived class is present in this array, the individual objects can respond in completely different ways to each other, without the calling code having to know anything about it.

So, what we are going to do is to write a base class that we can use as a foundation for our game elements. We will also use the Allegro-defined fix data type here, to enable sprites to move a fractional amount of pixels per frame. This will enable objects to move slower than one pixel per frame without standing totally still. Also, we won't bother to have a default constructor.

class sprite {
 fix X,Y;
 sprite(fix _X,fix _Y) { X=_X; Y=_Y; }
 virtual ~sprite() {}
 virtual void draw(BITMAP*dest) {}
 virtual void animate() {}
The protected clause is similar to private, except that it allows derived classes to access the elements defined protected. We have now also declared the methods virtual, which means that they are encoded into the object structure in such a way that they can be overridden transparently by derived classes, even if the code that uses the object thinks it's an instance the base class.

When we use this base class, this is how our program will look like.

#include <allegro.h>
#include "tutorial.h"

#define MIN_Y 8


class sprite {
 fix X,Y;
 sprite(fix _X,fix _Y) { X=_X; Y=_Y; }
 virtual ~sprite() {}
 virtual void draw(BITMAP*dest) {}
 virtual void animate() {}

class chopper : public sprite {
 chopper(fix _X,fix _Y) : sprite(_X,_Y) {}
 virtual void draw(BITMAP*dest) {
 virtual void animate();

void chopper::animate()
 // seems postfix operators aren't defined for the fix class
 if (key[KEY_LEFT]||joy_left) --X;
 if (key[KEY_RIGHT]||joy_right) ++X;
 if (key[KEY_UP]||joy_up) --Y;
 if (key[KEY_DOWN]||joy_down) ++Y;

int main()




 // create 320x192 backdrop
 for (int Y=0; Y<128; Y++) hline(backdrop,0,Y,319, (Y/2)+128);
 for (int Y=128; Y<192; Y++) hline(backdrop,0,Y,319, ((Y-128)/2)+192);

 // create 320x200 double buffer

 chopper Hero(50,100);
 while (!key[KEY_ESC]) {
  // build frame
  // display frame
  // get user input
 return 0;
As you can see, you use colons to inherit a base class, as well as to use an inherited constructor. The base class is inherited public to make public members of the base class remain public, and not turned private.

To learn more, proceed to the next chapter