These functions are declared in the following header file. Link with allegro_audio.

#include <allegro5/allegro_audio.h>

Audio types



Sample depth and type, and signedness. Mixers only use 32-bit signed float (-1..+1), or 16-bit signed integers. The unsigned value is a bit-flag applied to the depth value.

For convenience:


#define ALLEGRO_AUDIO_PAN_NONE      (-1000.0f)

Special value for the ALLEGRO_AUDIOPROP_PAN property. Use this value to play samples at their original volume with panning disabled.



Speaker configuration (mono, stereo, 2.1, etc).



A mixer is a type of stream which mixes together attached streams into a single buffer.





Sample and stream playback mode.



An ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_ID represents a sample being played via al_play_sample. It can be used to later stop the sample with al_stop_sample.



An ALLEGRO_SAMPLE object stores the data necessary for playing pre-defined digital audio. It holds information pertaining to data length, frequency, channel configuration, etc. You can have an ALLEGRO_SAMPLE object playing multiple times simultaneously. The object holds a user-specified PCM data buffer, of the format the object is created with.




An ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE object represents a playable instance of a predefined sound effect. It holds information pertaining to the looping mode, loop start/end points, playing position, etc. An instance uses the data from an ALLEGRO_SAMPLE object. Multiple instances may be created from the same ALLEGRO_SAMPLE. An ALLEGRO_SAMPLE must not be destroyed while there are instances which reference it.

To be played, an ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE object must be attached to an ALLEGRO_VOICE object, or to an ALLEGRO_MIXER object which is itself attached to an ALLEGRO_VOICE object (or to another ALLEGRO_MIXER object which is attached to an ALLEGRO_VOICE object, etc).




An ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM object is used to stream generated audio to the sound device, in real-time. This is done by reading from a buffer, which is split into a number of fragments. Whenever a fragment has finished playing, the user can refill it with new data.

As with ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE objects, streams store information necessary for playback, so you may not play the same stream multiple times simultaneously. Streams also need to be attached to an ALLEGRO_VOICE object, or to an ALLEGRO_MIXER object which, eventually, reaches an ALLEGRO_VOICE object.

While playing, you must periodically fill fragments with new audio data. To know when a new fragment is ready to be filled, you can either directly check with al_get_available_audio_stream_fragments, or listen to events from the stream.

You can register an audio stream event source to an event queue; see al_get_audio_stream_event_source. An ALLEGRO_EVENT_AUDIO_STREAM_FRAGMENT event is generated whenever a new fragment is ready. When you receive an event, use al_get_audio_stream_fragment to obtain a pointer to the fragment to be filled. The size and format are determined by the parameters passed to al_create_audio_stream.

If you're late with supplying new data, the stream will be silent until new data is provided. You must call al_drain_audio_stream when you're finished with supplying data to the stream.

If the stream is created by al_load_audio_stream then it can also generate an ALLEGRO_EVENT_AUDIO_STREAM_FINISHED event if it reaches the end of the file and is not set to loop.



A voice represents an audio device on the system, which may be a real device, or an abstract device provided by the operating system. To play back audio, you would attach a mixer or sample or stream to a voice.


Setting up audio


bool al_install_audio(void)

Install the audio subsystem.

Returns true on success, false on failure.

Note: most users will call al_reserve_samples and al_init_acodec_addon after this.

See also: al_reserve_samples, al_uninstall_audio, al_is_audio_installed, al_init_acodec_addon


void al_uninstall_audio(void)

Uninstalls the audio subsystem.

See also: al_install_audio


bool al_is_audio_installed(void)

Returns true if al_install_audio was called previously and returned successfully.


bool al_reserve_samples(int reserve_samples)

Reserves a number of sample instances, attaching them to the default mixer. If no default mixer is set when this function is called, then it will automatically create a voice with an attached mixer, which becomes the default mixer. This diagram illustrates the structures that are set up:

                              sample instance 1
                            / sample instance 2
voice <-- default mixer <---         .
                            \        .
                              sample instance N

Returns true on success, false on error. al_install_audio must have been called first.

See also: al_set_default_mixer, al_play_sample

Misc audio functions


uint32_t al_get_allegro_audio_version(void)

Returns the (compiled) version of the addon, in the same format as al_get_allegro_version.


size_t al_get_audio_depth_size(ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH depth)

Return the size of a sample, in bytes, for the given format. The format is one of the values listed under ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH.


size_t al_get_channel_count(ALLEGRO_CHANNEL_CONF conf)

Return the number of channels for the given channel configuration, which is one of the values listed under ALLEGRO_CHANNEL_CONF.

Voice functions


ALLEGRO_VOICE *al_create_voice(unsigned int freq,

Creates a voice structure and allocates a voice from the digital sound driver. The passed frequency, sample format and channel configuration are used as a hint to what kind of data will be sent to the voice. However, the underlying sound driver is free to use non-matching values. For example it may be the native format of the sound hardware. If a mixer is attached to the voice, the mixer will convert from the mixer's format to the voice format and care does not have to be taken for this.

However if you access the voice directly, make sure to not rely on the parameters passed to this function, but instead query the returned voice for the actual settings.

See also: al_destroy_voice


void al_destroy_voice(ALLEGRO_VOICE *voice)

Destroys the voice and deallocates it from the digital driver. Does nothing if the voice is NULL.

See also: al_create_voice


void al_detach_voice(ALLEGRO_VOICE *voice)

Detaches the mixer or sample or stream from the voice.

See also: al_attach_mixer_to_voice, al_attach_sample_instance_to_voice, al_attach_audio_stream_to_voice


bool al_attach_audio_stream_to_voice(ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream,
   ALLEGRO_VOICE *voice)

Attaches an audio stream to a voice. The same rules as al_attach_sample_instance_to_voice apply. This may fail if the driver can't create a voice with the buffer count and buffer size the stream uses.

An audio stream attached directly to a voice has a number of limitations. The audio stream plays immediately and cannot be stopped. The stream position, speed, gain, panning, cannot be changed. At this time, we don't recommend attaching audio streams directly to voices. Use a mixer in between.

Returns true on success, false on failure.

See also: al_detach_voice


bool al_attach_mixer_to_voice(ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer, ALLEGRO_VOICE *voice)

Attaches a mixer to a voice. The same rules as al_attach_sample_instance_to_voice apply, with the exception of the depth requirement.

Returns true on success, false on failure.

See also: al_detach_voice


bool al_attach_sample_instance_to_voice(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl,
   ALLEGRO_VOICE *voice)

Attaches a sample to a voice, and allows it to play. The sample's volume and loop mode will be ignored, and it must have the same frequency and depth (including signed-ness) as the voice. This function may fail if the selected driver doesn't support preloading sample data.

At this time, we don't recommend attaching samples directly to voices. Use a mixer in between.

Returns true on success, false on failure.

See also: al_detach_voice


unsigned int al_get_voice_frequency(const ALLEGRO_VOICE *voice)

Return the frequency of the voice, e.g. 44100.


ALLEGRO_CHANNEL_CONF al_get_voice_channels(const ALLEGRO_VOICE *voice)

Return the channel configuration of the voice.



ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH al_get_voice_depth(const ALLEGRO_VOICE *voice)

Return the audio depth of the voice.



bool al_get_voice_playing(const ALLEGRO_VOICE *voice)

Return true if the voice is currently playing.

See also: al_set_voice_playing


bool al_set_voice_playing(ALLEGRO_VOICE *voice, bool val)

Change whether a voice is playing or not. This can only work if the voice has a non-streaming object attached to it, e.g. a sample instance. On success the voice's current sample position is reset.

Returns true on success, false on failure.

See also: al_get_voice_playing


unsigned int al_get_voice_position(const ALLEGRO_VOICE *voice)

When the voice has a non-streaming object attached to it, e.g. a sample, returns the voice's current sample position. Otherwise, returns zero.

See also: al_set_voice_position.


bool al_set_voice_position(ALLEGRO_VOICE *voice, unsigned int val)

Set the voice position. This can only work if the voice has a non-streaming object attached to it, e.g. a sample instance.

Returns true on success, false on failure.

See also: al_get_voice_position.

Sample functions


ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *al_create_sample(void *buf, unsigned int samples,
   unsigned int freq, ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH depth,
   ALLEGRO_CHANNEL_CONF chan_conf, bool free_buf)

Create a sample data structure from the supplied buffer. If free_buf is true then the buffer will be freed with al_free when the sample data structure is destroyed. For portability (especially Windows), the buffer should have been allocated with al_malloc. Otherwise you should free the sample data yourself.

To allocate a buffer of the correct size, you can use something like this:

sample_size = al_get_channel_count(chan_conf) * al_get_audio_depth_size(depth);
bytes = samples * sample_size;
buffer = al_malloc(bytes);



void al_destroy_sample(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *spl)

Free the sample data structure. If it was created with the free_buf parameter set to true, then the buffer will be freed with al_free.

This function will stop any sample instances which may be playing the buffer referenced by the ALLEGRO_SAMPLE.

See also: al_destroy_sample_instance, al_stop_sample, al_stop_samples


bool al_play_sample(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *spl, float gain, float pan, float speed,

Plays a sample on one of the sample instances created by al_reserve_samples. Returns true on success, false on failure. Playback may fail because all the reserved sample instances are currently used.


See also: ALLEGRO_PLAYMODE, ALLEGRO_AUDIO_PAN_NONE, ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_ID, al_stop_sample, al_stop_samples.


void al_stop_sample(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_ID *spl_id)

Stop the sample started by al_play_sample.

See also: al_stop_samples


void al_stop_samples(void)

Stop all samples started by al_play_sample.

See also: al_stop_sample


ALLEGRO_CHANNEL_CONF al_get_sample_channels(const ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *spl)

Return the channel configuration.

See also: ALLEGRO_CHANNEL_CONF, al_get_sample_depth, al_get_sample_frequency, al_get_sample_length, al_get_sample_data


ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH al_get_sample_depth(const ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *spl)

Return the audio depth.

See also: ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH, al_get_sample_channels, al_get_sample_frequency, al_get_sample_length, al_get_sample_data


unsigned int al_get_sample_frequency(const ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *spl)

Return the frequency of the sample.

See also: al_get_sample_channels, al_get_sample_depth, al_get_sample_length, al_get_sample_data


unsigned int al_get_sample_length(const ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *spl)

Return the length of the sample in sample values.

See also: al_get_sample_channels, al_get_sample_depth, al_get_sample_frequency, al_get_sample_data


void *al_get_sample_data(const ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *spl)

Return a pointer to the raw sample data.

See also: al_get_sample_channels, al_get_sample_depth, al_get_sample_frequency, al_get_sample_length

Sample instance functions


ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *al_create_sample_instance(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *sample_data)

Creates a sample stream, using the supplied data. This must be attached to a voice or mixer before it can be played. The argument may be NULL. You can then set the data later with al_set_sample.

See also: al_destroy_sample_instance


void al_destroy_sample_instance(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl)

Detaches the sample stream from anything it may be attached to and frees it (the sample data is not freed!).

See also: al_create_sample_instance


bool al_play_sample_instance(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl)

Play an instance of a sample data. Returns true on success, false on failure.

See also: al_stop_sample_instance


bool al_stop_sample_instance(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl)

Stop an sample instance playing.

See also: al_play_sample_instance


ALLEGRO_CHANNEL_CONF al_get_sample_instance_channels(

Return the channel configuration.



ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH al_get_sample_instance_depth(const ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl)

Return the audio depth.



unsigned int al_get_sample_instance_frequency(const ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl)

Return the frequency of the sample instance.


unsigned int al_get_sample_instance_length(const ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl)

Return the length of the sample instance in sample values.

See also: al_set_sample_instance_length, al_get_sample_instance_time


bool al_set_sample_instance_length(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl,
   unsigned int val)

Set the length of the sample instance in sample values.

Return true on success, false on failure. Will fail if the sample instance is currently playing.

See also: al_get_sample_instance_length


unsigned int al_get_sample_instance_position(const ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl)

Get the playback position of a sample instance.

See also: al_set_sample_instance_position


bool al_set_sample_instance_position(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl,
   unsigned int val)

Set the playback position of a sample instance.

Returns true on success, false on failure.

See also: al_get_sample_instance_position


float al_get_sample_instance_speed(const ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl)

Return the relative playback speed.

See also: al_set_sample_instance_speed


bool al_set_sample_instance_speed(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl, float val)

Set the relative playback speed. 1.0 is normal speed.

Return true on success, false on failure. Will fail if the sample instance is attached directly to a voice.

See also: al_get_sample_instance_speed


float al_get_sample_instance_gain(const ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl)

Return the playback gain.

See also: al_set_sample_instance_gain


bool al_set_sample_instance_gain(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl, float val)

Set the playback gain.

Returns true on success, false on failure. Will fail if the sample instance is attached directly to a voice.

See also: al_get_sample_instance_gain


float al_get_sample_instance_pan(const ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl)

Get the pan value.

See also: al_set_sample_instance_pan.


bool al_set_sample_instance_pan(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl, float val)

Set the pan value on a sample instance. A value of -1.0 means to play the sample only through the left speaker; +1.0 means only through the right speaker; 0.0 means the sample is centre balanced.

A constant sound power level is maintained as the sample is panned from left to right. As a consequence, a pan value of 0.0 will play the sample 3 dB softer than the original level. To disable panning and play a sample at its original level, set the pan value to ALLEGRO_AUDIO_PAN_NONE.

Returns true on success, false on failure. Will fail if the sample instance is attached directly to a voice.

(A sound guy should explain that better; I only implemented it. Also this might be more properly called a balance control than pan. Also we don't attempt anything with more than two channels yet.)

See also: al_get_sample_instance_pan.


float al_get_sample_instance_time(const ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl)

Return the length of the sample instance in seconds, assuming a playback speed of 1.0.

See also: al_get_sample_instance_length


ALLEGRO_PLAYMODE al_get_sample_instance_playmode(const ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl)

Return the playback mode.

See also: ALLEGRO_PLAYMODE, al_set_sample_instance_playmode


bool al_set_sample_instance_playmode(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl,

Set the playback mode.

Returns true on success, false on failure.

See also: ALLEGRO_PLAYMODE, al_get_sample_instance_playmode


bool al_get_sample_instance_playing(const ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl)

Return true if the sample instance is playing.

See also: al_set_sample_instance_playing


bool al_set_sample_instance_playing(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl, bool val)

Change whether the sample instance is playing.

Returns true on success, false on failure.

See also: al_get_sample_instance_playing


bool al_get_sample_instance_attached(const ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl)

Return whether the sample instance is attached to something.

See also: al_attach_sample_instance_to_mixer, al_attach_sample_instance_to_voice, al_detach_sample_instance


bool al_detach_sample_instance(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl)

Detach the sample instance from whatever it's attached to, if anything.

Returns true on success.

See also: al_attach_sample_instance_to_mixer, al_attach_sample_instance_to_voice, al_get_sample_instance_attached



Return the sample data that the sample instance plays.

Note this returns a pointer to an internal structure, not the ALLEGRO_SAMPLE that you may have passed to al_set_sample. You may, however, check which sample buffer is being played by the sample instance with al_get_sample_data, and so on.

See also: al_set_sample


bool al_set_sample(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl, ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *data)

Change the sample data that a sample instance plays. This can be quite an involved process.

First, the sample is stopped if it is not already.

Next, if data is NULL, the sample is detached from its parent (if any).

If data is not NULL, the sample may be detached and reattached to its parent (if any). This is not necessary if the old sample data and new sample data have the same frequency, depth and channel configuration. Reattaching may not always succeed.

On success, the sample remains stopped. The playback position and loop end points are reset to their default values. The loop mode remains unchanged.

Returns true on success, false on failure. On failure, the sample will be stopped and detached from its parent.

See also: al_get_sample

Mixer functions


ALLEGRO_MIXER *al_create_mixer(unsigned int freq,

Creates a mixer stream, to attach sample streams or other mixers to. It will mix into a buffer at the requested frequency and channel count.

The only supported audio depths are ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH_FLOAT32 and ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH_INT16 (not yet complete).

Returns true on success, false on error.



void al_destroy_mixer(ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer)

Destroys the mixer stream.

See also: al_create_mixer


ALLEGRO_MIXER *al_get_default_mixer(void)

Return the default mixer, or NULL if one has not been set. Although different configurations of mixers and voices can be used, in most cases a single mixer attached to a voice is what you want. The default mixer is used by al_play_sample.

See also: al_reserve_samples, al_play_sample, al_set_default_mixer, al_restore_default_mixer


bool al_set_default_mixer(ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer)

Sets the default mixer. All samples started with al_play_sample will be stopped. If you are using your own mixer, this should be called before al_reserve_samples.

Returns true on success, false on error.

See also: al_reserve_samples, al_play_sample, al_get_default_mixer, al_restore_default_mixer


bool al_restore_default_mixer(void)

Restores Allegro's default mixer. All samples started with al_play_sample will be stopped. Returns true on success, false on error.

See also: al_get_default_mixer, al_set_default_mixer, al_reserve_samples.


bool al_attach_mixer_to_mixer(ALLEGRO_MIXER *stream, ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer)

Attaches a mixer onto another mixer. The same rules as with al_attach_sample_instance_to_mixer apply, with the added caveat that both mixers must be the same frequency. Returns true on success, false on error.

Currently both mixers must have the same audio depth, otherwise the function fails.

See also: al_detach_mixer.


bool al_attach_sample_instance_to_mixer(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCE *spl,
   ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer)

Attach a sample instance to a mixer. The instance must not already be attached to anything.

Returns true on success, false on failure.

See also: al_detach_sample_instance.


bool al_attach_audio_stream_to_mixer(ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream, ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer)

Attach a stream to a mixer.

Returns true on success, false on failure.

See also: al_detach_audio_stream.


unsigned int al_get_mixer_frequency(const ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer)

Return the mixer frequency.

See also: al_set_mixer_frequency


bool al_set_mixer_frequency(ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer, unsigned int val)

Set the mixer frequency. This will only work if the mixer is not attached to anything.

Returns true on success, false on failure.

See also: al_get_mixer_frequency


ALLEGRO_CHANNEL_CONF al_get_mixer_channels(const ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer)

Return the mixer channel configuration.



ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH al_get_mixer_depth(const ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer)

Return the mixer audio depth.



float al_get_mixer_gain(const ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer)

Return the mixer gain (amplification factor). The default is 1.0.

Since: 5.0.6, 5.1.0

See also: al_set_mixer_gain.


bool al_set_mixer_gain(ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer, float new_gain)

Set the mixer gain (amplification factor).

Returns true on success, false on failure.

Since: 5.0.6, 5.1.0

See also: al_get_mixer_gain


ALLEGRO_MIXER_QUALITY al_get_mixer_quality(const ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer)

Return the mixer quality.

See also: ALLEGRO_MIXER_QUALITY, al_set_mixer_quality


bool al_set_mixer_quality(ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer, ALLEGRO_MIXER_QUALITY new_quality)

Set the mixer quality. This can only succeed if the mixer does not have anything attached to it.

Returns true on success, false on failure.

See also: ALLEGRO_MIXER_QUALITY, al_get_mixer_quality


bool al_get_mixer_playing(const ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer)

Return true if the mixer is playing.

See also: al_set_mixer_playing.


bool al_set_mixer_playing(ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer, bool val)

Change whether the mixer is playing.

Returns true on success, false on failure.

See also: al_get_mixer_playing.


bool al_get_mixer_attached(const ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer)

Return true if the mixer is attached to something.

See also: al_attach_sample_instance_to_mixer, al_attach_audio_stream_to_mixer, al_attach_mixer_to_mixer, al_detach_mixer


bool al_detach_mixer(ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer)

Detach the mixer from whatever it is attached to, if anything.

See also: al_attach_mixer_to_mixer.


bool al_set_mixer_postprocess_callback(ALLEGRO_MIXER *mixer,
   void (*pp_callback)(void *buf, unsigned int samples, void *data),
   void *pp_callback_userdata)

Sets a post-processing filter function that's called after the attached streams have been mixed. The buffer's format will be whatever the mixer was created with. The sample count and user-data pointer is also passed.

Stream functions


ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *al_create_audio_stream(size_t fragment_count,
   unsigned int frag_samples, unsigned int freq, ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH depth,

Creates an ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM. The stream will be set to play by default. It will feed audio data from a buffer, which is split into a number of fragments.


The choice of fragment_count, frag_samples and freq directly influences the audio delay. The delay in seconds can be expressed as:

delay = fragment_count * frag_samples / freq

This is only the delay due to Allegro's streaming, there may be additional delay caused by sound drivers and/or hardware.

Note: If you know the fragment size in bytes, you can get the size in samples like this:

sample_size = al_get_channel_count(chan_conf) * al_get_audio_depth_size(depth);
samples = bytes_per_fragment / sample_size;

The size of the complete buffer is:

buffer_size = bytes_per_fragment * fragment_count

Note: unlike many Allegro objects, audio streams are not implicitly destroyed when Allegro is shut down. You must destroy them manually with al_destroy_audio_stream before the audio system is shut down.


void al_destroy_audio_stream(ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream)

Destroy an audio stream which was created with al_create_audio_stream or al_load_audio_stream.

Note: If the stream is still attached to a mixer or voice, al_detach_audio_stream is automatically called on it first.

See also: al_drain_audio_stream.


ALLEGRO_EVENT_SOURCE *al_get_audio_stream_event_source(

Retrieve the associated event source.

See al_get_audio_stream_fragment for a description of the ALLEGRO_EVENT_AUDIO_STREAM_FRAGMENT event that audio streams emit.


void al_drain_audio_stream(ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream)

You should call this to finalise an audio stream that you will no longer be feeding, to wait for all pending buffers to finish playing. The stream's playing state will change to false.

See also: al_destroy_audio_stream


bool al_rewind_audio_stream(ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream)

Set the streaming file playing position to the beginning. Returns true on success. Currently this can only be called on streams created with al_load_audio_stream, al_load_audio_stream_f and the format-specific functions underlying those functions.


unsigned int al_get_audio_stream_frequency(const ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream)

Return the stream frequency.


ALLEGRO_CHANNEL_CONF al_get_audio_stream_channels(
   const ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream)

Return the stream channel configuration.



ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH al_get_audio_stream_depth(
   const ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream)

Return the stream audio depth.



unsigned int al_get_audio_stream_length(const ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream)

Return the stream length in samples.


float al_get_audio_stream_speed(const ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream)

Return the relative playback speed.

See also: al_set_audio_stream_speed.


bool al_set_audio_stream_speed(ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream, float val)

Set the relative playback speed. 1.0 is normal speed.

Return true on success, false on failure. Will fail if the sample instance is attached directly to a voice.

See also: al_get_audio_stream_speed.


float al_get_audio_stream_gain(const ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream)

Return the playback gain.

See also: al_set_audio_stream_gain.


bool al_set_audio_stream_gain(ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream, float val)

Set the playback gain.

Returns true on success, false on failure. Will fail if the sample instance is attached directly to a voice.

See also: al_get_audio_stream_gain.


float al_get_audio_stream_pan(const ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream)

Get the pan value.

See also: al_set_audio_stream_pan.


bool al_set_audio_stream_pan(ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream, float val)

Set the pan value on a sample instance. A value of -1.0 means to play the sample only through the left speaker; +1.0 means only through the right speaker; 0.0 means the sample is centre balanced.

Returns true on success, false on failure. Will fail if the sample instance is attached directly to a voice.


bool al_get_audio_stream_playing(const ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream)

Return true if the stream is playing.

See also: al_set_audio_stream_playing.


bool al_set_audio_stream_playing(ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream, bool val)

Change whether the stream is playing.

Returns true on success, false on failure.

See also: al_get_audio_stream_playing


ALLEGRO_PLAYMODE al_get_audio_stream_playmode(
   const ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream)

Return the playback mode.

See also: ALLEGRO_PLAYMODE, al_set_audio_stream_playmode.


bool al_set_audio_stream_playmode(ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream,

Set the playback mode.

Returns true on success, false on failure.

See also: ALLEGRO_PLAYMODE, al_get_audio_stream_playmode.


bool al_get_audio_stream_attached(const ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream)

Return whether the stream is attached to something.

See also: al_attach_audio_stream_to_mixer, al_attach_audio_stream_to_voice, al_detach_audio_stream.


bool al_detach_audio_stream(ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream)

Detach the stream from whatever it's attached to, if anything.

See also: al_attach_audio_stream_to_mixer, al_attach_audio_stream_to_voice, al_get_audio_stream_attached.


void *al_get_audio_stream_fragment(const ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream)

When using Allegro's audio streaming, you will use this function to continuously provide new sample data to a stream.

If the stream is ready for new data, the function will return the address of an internal buffer to be filled with audio data. The length and format of the buffer are specified with al_create_audio_stream or can be queried with the various functions described here. Once the buffer is filled, you must signal this to Allegro by passing the buffer to al_set_audio_stream_fragment.

If the stream is not ready for new data, the function will return NULL.

Note: If you listen to events from the stream, an ALLEGRO_EVENT_AUDIO_STREAM_FRAGMENT event will be generated whenever a new fragment is ready. However, getting an event is not a guarantee that al_get_audio_stream_fragment will not return NULL, so you still must check for it.

See also: al_set_audio_stream_fragment, al_get_audio_stream_event_source, al_get_audio_stream_frequency, al_get_audio_stream_channels, al_get_audio_stream_depth, al_get_audio_stream_length


bool al_set_audio_stream_fragment(ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream, void *val)

This function needs to be called for every successful call of al_get_audio_stream_fragment to indicate that the buffer is filled with new data.

See also: al_get_audio_stream_fragment


unsigned int al_get_audio_stream_fragments(const ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream)

Returns the number of fragments this stream uses. This is the same value as passed to al_create_audio_stream when a new stream is created.

See also: al_get_available_audio_stream_fragments


unsigned int al_get_available_audio_stream_fragments(
   const ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream)

Returns the number of available fragments in the stream, that is, fragments which are not currently filled with data for playback.

See also: al_get_audio_stream_fragment, al_get_audio_stream_fragments


bool al_seek_audio_stream_secs(ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream, double time)

Set the streaming file playing position to time. Returns true on success. Currently this can only be called on streams created with al_load_audio_stream, al_load_audio_stream_f and the format-specific functions underlying those functions.

See also: al_get_audio_stream_position_secs, al_get_audio_stream_length_secs


double al_get_audio_stream_position_secs(ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream)

Return the position of the stream in seconds. Currently this can only be called on streams created with al_load_audio_stream.

See also: al_get_audio_stream_length_secs


double al_get_audio_stream_length_secs(ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream)

Return the length of the stream in seconds, if known. Otherwise returns zero.

Currently this can only be called on streams created with al_load_audio_stream, al_load_audio_stream_f and the format-specific functions underlying those functions.

See also: al_get_audio_stream_position_secs


bool al_set_audio_stream_loop_secs(ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *stream,
   double start, double end)

Sets the loop points for the stream in seconds. Currently this can only be called on streams created with al_load_audio_stream, al_load_audio_stream_f and the format-specific functions underlying those functions.

Audio file I/O


bool al_register_sample_loader(const char *ext,
   ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *(*loader)(const char *filename))

Register a handler for al_load_sample. The given function will be used to handle the loading of sample files with the given extension.

The extension should include the leading dot ('.') character. It will be matched case-insensitively.

The loader argument may be NULL to unregister an entry.

Returns true on success, false on error. Returns false if unregistering an entry that doesn't exist.

See also: al_register_sample_loader_f, al_register_sample_saver


bool al_register_sample_loader_f(const char *ext,

Register a handler for al_load_sample_f. The given function will be used to handle the loading of sample files with the given extension.

The extension should include the leading dot ('.') character. It will be matched case-insensitively.

The loader argument may be NULL to unregister an entry.

Returns true on success, false on error. Returns false if unregistering an entry that doesn't exist.

See also: al_register_sample_loader


bool al_register_sample_saver(const char *ext,
   bool (*saver)(const char *filename, ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *spl))

Register a handler for al_save_sample. The given function will be used to handle the saving of sample files with the given extension.

The extension should include the leading dot ('.') character. It will be matched case-insensitively.

The saver argument may be NULL to unregister an entry.

Returns true on success, false on error. Returns false if unregistering an entry that doesn't exist.

See also: al_register_sample_saver_f, al_register_sample_loader


bool al_register_sample_saver_f(const char *ext,
   bool (*saver)(ALLEGRO_FILE* fp, ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *spl))

Register a handler for al_save_sample_f. The given function will be used to handle the saving of sample files with the given extension.

The extension should include the leading dot ('.') character. It will be matched case-insensitively.

The saver argument may be NULL to unregister an entry.

Returns true on success, false on error. Returns false if unregistering an entry that doesn't exist.

See also: al_register_sample_saver


bool al_register_audio_stream_loader(const char *ext,
   ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *(*stream_loader)(const char *filename,
      size_t buffer_count, unsigned int samples))

Register a handler for al_load_audio_stream. The given function will be used to open streams from files with the given extension.

The extension should include the leading dot ('.') character. It will be matched case-insensitively.

The stream_loader argument may be NULL to unregister an entry.

Returns true on success, false on error. Returns false if unregistering an entry that doesn't exist.

See also: al_register_audio_stream_loader_f


bool al_register_audio_stream_loader_f(const char *ext,
   ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *(*stream_loader)(ALLEGRO_FILE* fp,
      size_t buffer_count, unsigned int samples))

Register a handler for al_load_audio_stream_f. The given function will be used to open streams from files with the given extension.

The extension should include the leading dot ('.') character. It will be matched case-insensitively.

The stream_loader argument may be NULL to unregister an entry.

Returns true on success, false on error. Returns false if unregistering an entry that doesn't exist.

See also: al_register_audio_stream_loader


ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *al_load_sample(const char *filename)

Loads a few different audio file formats based on their extension.

Note that this stores the entire file in memory at once, which may be time consuming. To read the file as it is needed, use al_load_audio_stream.

Returns the sample on success, NULL on failure.

Note: the allegro_audio library does not support any audio file formats by default. You must use the allegro_acodec addon, or register your own format handler.

See also: al_register_sample_loader, al_init_acodec_addon


ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *al_load_sample_f(ALLEGRO_FILE* fp, const char *ident)

Loads an audio file from an ALLEGRO_FILE stream into an ALLEGRO_SAMPLE. The file type is determined by the passed 'ident' parameter, which is a file name extension including the leading dot.

Note that this stores the entire file in memory at once, which may be time consuming. To read the file as it is needed, use al_load_audio_stream_f.

Returns the sample on success, NULL on failure. The file remains open afterwards.

Note: the allegro_audio library does not support any audio file formats by default. You must use the allegro_acodec addon, or register your own format handler.

See also: al_register_sample_loader_f, al_init_acodec_addon


ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *al_load_audio_stream(const char *filename,
   size_t buffer_count, unsigned int samples)

Loads an audio file from disk as it is needed.

Unlike regular streams, the one returned by this function need not be fed by the user; the library will automatically read more of the file as it is needed. The stream will contain buffer_count buffers with samples samples.

The audio stream will start in the playing state. It should be attached to a voice or mixer to generate any output. See ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM for more details.

Returns the stream on success, NULL on failure.

Note: the allegro_audio library does not support any audio file formats by default. You must use the allegro_acodec addon, or register your own format handler.

See also: al_load_audio_stream_f, al_register_audio_stream_loader, al_init_acodec_addon


ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *al_load_audio_stream_f(ALLEGRO_FILE* fp, const char *ident,
   size_t buffer_count, unsigned int samples)

Loads an audio file from ALLEGRO_FILE stream as it is needed.

Unlike regular streams, the one returned by this function need not be fed by the user; the library will automatically read more of the file as it is needed. The stream will contain buffer_count buffers with samples samples.

The file type is determined by the passed 'ident' parameter, which is a file name extension including the leading dot.

The audio stream will start in the playing state. It should be attached to a voice or mixer to generate any output. See ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM for more details.

Returns the stream on success, NULL on failure. On success the file should be considered owned by the audio stream, and will be closed when the audio stream is destroyed. On failure the file will be closed.

Note: the allegro_audio library does not support any audio file formats by default. You must use the allegro_acodec addon, or register your own format handler.

See also: al_load_audio_stream, al_register_audio_stream_loader_f, al_init_acodec_addon


bool al_save_sample(const char *filename, ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *spl)

Writes a sample into a file. Currently, wav is the only supported format, and the extension must be ".wav".

Returns true on success, false on error.

Note: the allegro_audio library does not support any audio file formats by default. You must use the allegro_acodec addon, or register your own format handler.

See also: al_save_sample_f, al_register_sample_saver, al_init_acodec_addon


bool al_save_sample_f(ALLEGRO_FILE *fp, const char *ident, ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *spl)

Writes a sample into a ALLEGRO_FILE filestream. Currently, wav is the only supported format, and the extension must be ".wav".

Returns true on success, false on error. The file remains open afterwards.

Note: the allegro_audio library does not support any audio file formats by default. You must use the allegro_acodec addon, or register your own format handler.

See also: al_save_sample, al_register_sample_saver_f, al_init_acodec_addon

Allegro version 5.0.8 - Last updated: 2012-11-18 06:28:55 UTC