Audio codecs

FLAC addon


bool al_init_flac_addon(void)

This function to registers al_load_sample_flac with al_load_sample to handle files with the extension ".flac". You will need to include the allegro_flac.h header file and link with the allegro_flac library.

Return true on success.


ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *al_load_sample_flac(const char *filename)

Loads a sample in FLAC format.

See also: al_load_sample


uint32_t al_get_allegro_flac_version(void)

Returns the (compiled) version of the addon, in the same format as al_get_allegro_version.

Ogg Vorbis addon


bool al_init_ogg_vorbis_addon(void)

This function to registers al_load_sample_ogg_vorbis with al_load_sample and al_load_audio_stream_ogg_vorbis with al_load_audio_stream to handle files with the extension ".ogg" (assumed to contain Vorbis data). You will need to include the allegro_vorbis.h header file and link with the allegro_vorbis library.

Return true on success.


ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *al_load_sample_ogg_vorbis(const char *filename)

Loads a sample in Ogg Vorbis format.

See also: al_load_sample


ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *al_load_audio_stream_ogg_vorbis(const char *filename,
    size_t buffer_count, unsigned int samples)

Loads a stream in Ogg Vorbis format.

See also: al_load_audio_stream


uint32_t al_get_allegro_ogg_vorbis_version(void)

Returns the (compiled) version of the addon, in the same format as al_get_allegro_version.

Last updated: 2009-09-13 09:23:35 UTC