PhysicsFS integration

PhysicsFS is a library to provide abstract access to various archives. See for more information.

This addon makes it possible to read and write files (on disk or inside archives) using PhysicsFS, through Allegro's file I/O API. For example, that means you can use the Image I/O addon to load images from .zip files.

You must set up PhysicsFS through its own API. When you want to open an ALLEGRO_FILE using PhysicsFS, first call al_set_physfs_file_interface, then al_fopen or another function that calls al_fopen.

These functions are declared in the following header file. Link with allegro_physfs.

#include <allegro5/allegro_physfs.h>


void al_set_physfs_file_interface(void)

After calling this, subsequent calls to al_fopen will be handled by PHYSFS_open(). Operations on the files returned by al_fopen will then be performed through PhysicsFS.

At the same time, all filesystem functions like al_read_directory or al_create_fs_entry will use PhysicsFS.

This functions only affects the thread it was called from.

To remember and restore another file I/O backend, you can use al_store_state/al_restore_state.

See also: al_set_new_file_interface.


uint32_t al_get_allegro_physfs_version(void)

Returns the (compiled) version of the addon, in the same format as al_get_allegro_version.

Allegro version 4.9.22 (WIP) - Last updated: 2010-09-26 11:48:27 UTC